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dc.contributor.authorMawad, Sinan-
dc.identifier.otherTHESIS 2018 MAWA-
dc.descriptionA Master of Science in Construction Management thesis by Sinan Mawad, submitted in April, 2018. Thesis advisor is Dr. Ibrahim Bakry. This study analyses the logistics planning and management are integral to the successful management of construction projects, and the topic has stimulated the interest in recent decades. Thesis release form not available.en_US
dc.description.abstractLogistics planning and management are integral to the successful management of construction projects, and the topic has stimulated the interest of researchers in recent decades. The management of the logistical operations related to the vertical supply system is usually done by allocating the equipment of the vertical supply system as resources to the well-known scheduling techniques However, the commonly used scheduling techniques have certain shortcomings in the context of high-rise building projects, This research focuses on presenting a method that can be used to efficiently manage vertical supply systems in high-rise projects. The method is developed on the basis of firsthand experience, which was gained from a construction site that experienced delays due to the ineffective management of the cranes, workers, and material hoists. Not only the construction methodology but also the time required for every trip by each piece of vertical logistic equipment were measured, and all quantities related to each activity were calculated to a micro level. This information was then used to create a prioritized schedule tower cranes, and the results were that the work - floor cycles were shortened by 20% to 30%. Ultimately, the developed method resulted in the following : The durations of floor cycles became shorter, workers idled less, costs were controlled more efficiently, productivity was enhanced, and the limitations of the critical path method and the resource constrained project scheduling problem-in the context of logistical scheduling in fast- track high-rise projects-were minimized.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipMaster of Science in Construction Managementen_US
dc.publisherAmerican University in Dubai (AUD)en_US
dc.subjectVertical supply systemen_US
dc.subjectConstruction of high-rise buildingen_US
dc.subjectAutomation and lean techniquesen_US
dc.subjectScheduling techniquesen_US
dc.titleAn enhanced method to schedule the operation of vertical supply systems of high-rise projectsen_US
dc.supervisorDr. Ibrahim Bakryen_US
Appears in Collections:School of Engineering

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